Monday, February 15, 2010

Year of the Tiger

Few Chinese Horoscope books contain overall prognostications for the year. In my large collection of these books, one of the few that does is the first edition of Theodora Lau's The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, published in 1979. Unfortunately, in the later editions of this book, her overall predictions for each year have been removed.

To provide my friends with this interesting information, here is Ms. Lau's overall forecast for the Year of the Tiger, plus her predictions for how individuals will fare this year, given the animal that represents their birth year. (To determine what animal you are, see my table of animals for birth dates.)

One of the few online sites I've found with both overall and individual forecasts is WayangTimes (it doesn't provide exact dates for the Chinese years, though).

The predictions are for a raucous year. Never mind. Let's all enjoy the beauty of life, family and friends! You might enjoy seeing my facebook album of the beautiful tiger paintings by famed artist Zhang Shanzi offering 10 New Year's wishes to you and your family for good luck, prestige, prosperity, happiness, safety, contentment, ease, health, longevity, success, and reunion.

The Year of the Tiger
February 14, 2010 - February 2, 2011

This is definitely an explosive year. It usually begins with a bang and ends with a whimper. A year earmarked for war, disagreement and disasters of all kinds. But it will also be a big, bold year. Nothing will be done on a small, timid scale. Everything, good and bad, can and will be carried to extremes. Fortunes can be made and lost. If you take a chance, gamble for high stakes, but understand that the odds are stacked against you.

People will do drastic and dramatic things on the spur of the moment. It is not surprising that Watergate and the drama of Nixon's resignation culminated in the hotheaded year of the Tiger. Tempers will flare all around and it will be a trying time for diplomacy. Like the Tiger, we will tend to charge without thinking and end up regretting our rashness.

Friendships, joint ventures and deals requiring mutual trust and cooperation made at this time are brittle and will be easily broken. However, the forceful and vigorous Tiger year can also be used to inject new life and vitality into lost causes, sinking ventures and drab or failing industries. It will likewise be a time for massive change, for the introduction of new and bold, especially highly controversial, ideas.

The fiery heat of the Tiger's year will no doubt touch everyone's life. In spite of its negative aspects, we must realize that it could have a cleansing effect. just as intense heat is necessary to extract precious metals from their ores, so the Tiger year can bring out the best in us.

Just one brief word of advice for this unpredictable year. "Hang on to your sense of humor and let things sizzle out!"

How you will fare in the Year of the Tiger

Rat: A moderately fair year. This year is unsafe for speculation and the Rat will be involved in some misunderstanding or be forced to take actions that are against his better judgment. He could feel some loneliness or sadness at the death of some family member or close associate. The Rat may also be required to travel more than usual.

Ox: A difficult time. The Ox will meet opposition from many sources but will be able to conquer or persevere through his hardships. He must be patient and not be disappointed if results are not immediately visible. A time for the Ox person to reassess his position. He must not take unnecessary risks or drastic measures during the reign of the Tiger.

Tiger: A moderately good year. The Tiger is lucky in the sense that others will come to his aid when he needs help most. Still, he should not take risks as things may turn against him. He will suffer no major illness or upheavals but may be forced to spend money or be unable to save.

Rabbit: A year in which the Rabbit must be extra careful and diplomatic, as he has the tendency to get drawn into conflicts. Lawsuits or disputes arising from unreasonable demands made upon him are prevalent at this time and it would be best if he is cautious about money or the signing of important documents. Otherwise, he will get by without too much hardship and could make some gains toward the end of the year.

Dragon: A worrying and taxing time. The Dragon's plans are blocked by others and he finds it difficult to achieve desired results without much argument. He has to choose between bitter camps of opposing views and finds it hard to please his associates. Home is disturbed by sad news or the departure of some member.

Snake: A year of small but numerous irritations. The Snake may be easily drawn into conflicts not of his own making and will find it hard to please those who surround him at home or at work. He must keep his sense of humor and not indulge in senseless acts of revenge. This way he will receive the help he seeks and avoid major upheavals.

Horse: A moderately happy year for the Horse. No health problems but a lot of entertainment and additional expenses foreseen. Advancement in his studies or on the technical side of his profession can be expected. Disputes or broken friendships could result from his losing his temper this year.

Sheep: A year of mixed blessings. The Sheep native can retain power but will have to strive hard to keep in step with the opposition. Family life is calm, but trouble with relatives is predicted. His work area will be busy but he has the opportunity to meet new and beneficial contacts.

Monkey: A very unsteady time for the Monkey. He is very vulnerable to the attacks of his enemies and may be forced to flee, travel, work for others or borrow money at high interest. People tend to take advantage of his weak position. He must remain patient and lie low. A year for him to consolidate his resources and refrain from embarking on new ventures.

Rooster: An eventful year. The Rooster is lucky with money and his business ventures could produce very fruitful results. Some worries at home, but his general plans go according to schedule. Still he should be careful this year as things tend to happen too fast for proper assessment. He must not be overoptimistic.

Dog: A moderately happy year. No serious disputes at home or office. Some romantic squabbles predicted but they will do no permanent damage. The Dog's net results this year will be mixed and he will be confused by conflicting reports. Friends and family will make too many demands on his time.

Boar: A tough and trying year. The Boar will encounter difficulties that he may have to face alone. A difficult time for him to borrow money or get back money due him. He may have many unexpected expenses or be forced to pay fines, legal fees or extra taxes. He must be very careful of trusting his associates at this time and attend to important affairs himself.

Chinese Zodiac / Horoscope Dates

Chinese horoscopes are determined by one's birth date, according to the lunar calendar. Here's a table 12 Chinese zodiacal animals and the birth dates they represent.

Rat     01/31/1900 - 02/18/1901
Ox      02/19/1901 - 02/07/1902
Tiger   02/08/1902 - 01/28/1903
Rabbit  01/29/1903 - 02/15/1904
Dragon  02/16/1904 - 02/03/1905
Snake   02/04/1905 - 01/24/1906
Horse   01/25/1906 - 02/12/1907
Sheep   02/13/1907 - 02/01/1908
Monkey  02/02/1908 - 01/21/1909
Rooster 01/22/1909 - 02/09/1910
Dog     02/10/1910 - 01/29/1911
Boar    01/30/1911 - 02/17/1912
Rat     02/18/1912 - 02/05/1913
Ox      02/06/1913 - 01/25/1914
Tiger   01/26/1914 - 02/13/1915
Rabbit  02/14/1915 - 02/02/1916
Dragon  02/03/1916 - 01/22/1917
Snake   01/23/1917 - 02/10/1918
Horse   02/11/1918 - 01/31/1919
Sheep   02/01/1919 - 02/19/1920
Monkey  02/20/1920 - 02/07/1921
Rooster 02/08/1921 - 01/27/1922
Dog     01/28/1922 - 02/15/1923
Boar    02/16/1923 - 02/04/1924
Rat     02/05/1924 - 01/24/1925
Ox      01/25/1925 - 02/12/1926
Tiger   02/13/1926 - 02/01/1927
Rabbit  02/02/1927 - 01/22/1928
Dragon  01/23/1928 - 02/09/1929
Snake   02/10/1929 - 01/29/1930
Horse   01/30/1930 - 02/16/1931
Sheep   02/17/1931 - 02/05/1932
Monkey  02/06/1932 - 01/25/1933
Rooster 01/26/1933 - 02/13/1934
Dog     02/14/1934 - 02/03/1935
Boar    02/04/1935 - 01/23/1936
Rat     01/24/1936 - 02/10/1937
Ox      02/11/1937 - 01/30/1938
Tiger   01/31/1938 - 02/18/1939
Rabbit  02/19/1939 - 02/07/1940
Dragon  02/08/1940 - 01/26/1941
Snake   01/27/1941 - 02/14/1942
Horse   02/15/1942 - 02/04/1943
Sheep   02/05/1943 - 01/24/1944
Monkey  01/25/1944 - 02/12/1945
Rooster 02/13/1945 - 02/01/1946
Dog     02/02/1946 - 01/21/1947
Boar    01/22/1947 - 02/09/1948
Rat     02/10/1948 - 01/28/1949
Ox      01/29/1949 - 02/16/1950
Tiger   02/17/1950 - 02/05/1951
Rabbit  02/06/1951 - 01/26/1952
Dragon  01/27/1952 - 02/13/1953
Snake   02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954
Horse   02/03/1954 - 01/23/1955
Sheep   01/24/1955 - 02/11/1956
Monkey  02/12/1956 - 01/30/1957
Rooster 01/31/1957 - 02/17/1958
Dog     02/18/1958 - 02/07/1959
Boar    02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960
Rat     01/28/1960 - 02/14/1961
Ox      02/15/1961 - 02/04/1962
Tiger   02/05/1962 - 01/24/1963
Rabbit  01/25/1963 - 02/12/1964
Dragon  02/13/1964 - 02/01/1965
Snake   02/02/1965 - 02/20/1966
Horse   02/21/1966 - 02/08/1967
Sheep   02/09/1967 - 01/29/1968
Monkey  01/30/1968 - 02/16/1969
Rooster 02/17/1969 - 02/05/1970
Dog     02/06/1970 - 01/26/1971
Boar    01/27/1971 - 02/15/1972
Rat     02/16/1972 - 02/02/1973
Ox      02/03/1973 - 01/22/1974
Tiger   01/23/1974 - 02/10/1975
Rabbit  02/11/1975 - 01/30/1976
Dragon  01/31/1976 - 02/17/1977
Snake   02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978
Horse   02/07/1978 - 01/27/1979
Sheep   01/28/1979 - 02/15/1980
Monkey  02/16/1980 - 02/04/1981
Rooster 02/05/1981 - 01/24/1982
Dog     01/25/1982 - 02/12/1983
Boar    02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984
Rat     02/02/1984 - 02/19/1985
Ox      02/20/1985 - 02/08/1986
Tiger   02/09/1986 - 01/28/1987
Rabbit  01/29/1987 - 02/16/1988
Dragon  02/17/1988 - 02/05/1989
Snake   02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990
Horse   01/27/1990 - 02/14/1991
Sheep   02/15/1991 - 02/03/1992
Monkey  02/04/1992 - 01/22/1993
Rooster 01/23/1993 - 02/09/1994
Dog     02/10/1994 - 01/30/1995
Boar    01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996
Rat     02/19/1996 - 02/06/1997
Ox      02/07/1997 - 01/27/1998
Tiger   01/28/1998 - 02/15/1999
Rabbit  02/16/1999 - 02/04/2000
Dragon  02/05/2000 - 01/23/2001
Snake   01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002
Horse   02/12/2002 - 01/31/2003
Sheep   02/01/2003 - 01/21/2004
Monkey  01/22/2004 - 02/08/2005
Rooster 02/09/2005 - 01/28/2006
Dog     01/29/2006 - 02/17/2007
Boar    02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008
Rat     02/07/2008 - 01/25/2009
Ox      01/26/2009 - 02/13/2010
Tiger   02/14/2010 - 02/02/2011
Rabbit  02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012
Dragon  01/23/2012 - 02/09/2013
Snake   02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014
Horse   01/31/2014 - 02/18/2015
Sheep   02/19/2015 - 02/07/2016
Monkey  02/08/2016 - 01/27/2017
Rooster 01/28/2017 - 02/15/2018
Dog     02/16/2018 - 02/04/2019